The super simple way to attach a cake charm to your cake.

This is a question that we get asked all the time. How to attach a cake charm to your cake for that amazing floating effect? The answer is really simple and effective.
To attach a cake charm to your cake, you put either buttercream or ganache onto the back of your cake or name charm, put it in position on the cake, hold the name charm in place with pins or toothpicks, and put it in the fridge to set for 1 hour.
Once the buttercream or ganache has set, the name charm or cake charm should stay in place and look fabulous.

What are the benefits to using a name charm/cake charm?
Cake charms are a great way to add a personal touch to a cake and from experience and feedback of customers its always positive.
Its also a great way to add to a themed cake, there are always different themes you are asked to produce as a baker and being able to add something with the customers chosen theme but also personalised to them.

What Different Cake Charms can you get?
There is a huge variety of different cake charms you can get. With name charms there is an astounding array of fonts ranging in the thousands, we do offer a large range of fonts here at Em’s Bakehouse and if there is something we don’t have you can always get in contact and I’m sure we would be able to help you.
You can also get character’s made into charms, we do a lot of custom work for people who want a charm of a character from Pokemon to Elton John, if you want something special for a special cake then please do get in contact with use here.
What Are Cake Charms?
We should have answered this question at the start of the post!
For those of you that don’t know a cake charm is an item, usually made out of acrylic or paper that you can attach to your cake for decoration. It can be a name, number or image and will not have a stick attached, which is what makes it different from cake toppers.

Paper or Acrylic?
For me its not even a choice. I know I may be biased as we sell acrylic toppers but I have also been a baker and had the nightmare of using a cricut machine or been sent a wilting paper charm. For the difference in price I would always choose acrylic, they’re slightly more expensive but they look 10 times better so for me acrylic wins every time.

In conclusion attaching a cake charm to your cake is super easy, looks amazing with that floating effect. It’s also a very cost effective way of personalising a cake without trying to ice or create something yourself which saves you time and a considerable amount of stress.